Suggestions / Feedback
If you prefer, download this document , print and complete, then drop it off at the shelter.

Suggestions / Feedback |
Difficulty/Concern Identification Form
This form is a tool to assist volunteers/visitors to identify and report a problem or concern that they have encountered with regards to the Parkland Humane Society/Shelter. This form will assist the Board of Directors in addressing the concerns identified. The Board will only address the situation upon receipt of the completed form unless it is an emergency situation – at which time the President/or designate should be made aware so that he/she can respond on site. The form must be filled out and signed by the person who has the concern. (If they require assistance in filling out the form the assistant must express the concern in the reporter’s own words. The completed form must be signed by the person reporting the concern and should include the name and phone number of anyone assisting in the completion of the form. This form (tool) if completed properly will: Identify a problem before it gets out of hand. Will give volunteers/visitors input into the running of the shelter. Provide a tool for the Board of Directors to deal with a concern in a timely manner.
Complaints / Concerns
If you prefer, download this document , print and complete, then drop it off at the shelter.

Complaints / Concerns |